Baroque Theatre in Connezac (24)

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Castle of Connezac in the Dordogne

Monday, May 2, the entire 6th level of the college went by coach to the castle of Connezac in the Dordogne. This building, listed in the Historical Monuments, has remained in the same family since its origin, this are also the owners who welcomed the students and gave them presented the building. While two of the actors were preparing for their morning intervention, a 3rd explained to the students the stakes of the theater baroque: the particular accent, the very strong makeup, the gestures, the frontal address to the public…

At 11am and under a sun that we did not expect if Radiant, the representation of the Fables of La Fontaine took place. Difficult sometimes to understand the content of certain fables, both the language of the seventeenth century has moved away from the one we practice today. After lunch at the shade of the lime trees, the PE teachers, many to accompany the group, proposed a ball game that was a great success and allowed energies to evacuate in the healthiest way possible.

Around 13:30 the second part of the theater was able to deploy: this time, 4 tales of Perrault were performed by the company Oghma. The repertoire being known to all, listening it was easier: Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, Bluebeard, the ridiculous wishes.

During this outing that benefited from a weather more than favorable, the children discovered the baroque theater and its specificities in an enchanting and unknown setting. Let's salute the talent of the Oghma Company in through its director Charles Di Meglio, the generosity of the owners, M and Mrs. de Lamberterie and the initiative of Mrs. Dupont, French teacher.

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